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Request a Quote

Request for a Quote (RFQ) Form

Welcome to our Request for a Quote (RFQ) page. To provide you with the most accurate and competitive quote for your project, please complete the form in three simple steps:

Step 1: Contact Information

Please provide your contact details so we can reach you regarding your quote request.

  • Full Name: [Your Full Name]
  • Email Address: [Your Email]
  • Phone Number: [Your Phone Number]
  • Company Name: [Your Company]
  • Address: [Your Address]

Step 2: Product Information

Help us understand the specifics of the product you need.

  • Product Type: [Select from Fiberglass Molds, Injection Molds, Blow Molds, Thermoforming Molds, Aluminum Injection Molds, Plastic Fitting Molds]
  • Material Requirements: [Specify Materials]
  • Quantity Required: [Specify Quantity]
  • Dimensions and Specifications: [Provide Detailed Dimensions and Specifications]
  • Additional Features or Customization: [Specify Any Additional Features or Customization Needs]

Step 3: Request Information

Let us know any additional details about your request to ensure we meet your exact needs.

  • Project Timeline: [Expected Start and Completion Dates]
  • Budget Estimate: [Provide Budget Range if Applicable]
  • Upload Supporting Documents: [Upload Technical Drawings, Specifications, or Other Relevant Documents]
  • Additional Notes: [Any Additional Information or Special Requirements]

Submit Your Request

Once you have completed all the steps, please review your information and click the submit button. Our team will review your request and get back to you with a detailed quote as soon as possible.

Thank you for considering Mold Technology. We are committed to delivering high-quality, customized solutions tailored to your needs. If you have any questions during this process, please don’t hesitate to contact us at: (+20) 01111 750 672 – (+20) 01111 750 676 or email us at

We look forward to working with you!

Let's start your project to be realize.

We planted our roots with a commitment to earning your trust and protecting lives, property, and prestige.
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